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How to change text color in Bootstrap?

Bootstrap, a popular CSS framework, also provides utility classes for text colors. Easily set the text color by using .text-* color classes One of the simplest ways to change text color is by using inline CSS. The style="color: red;" attribute within the tag sets the text color to red. This text is red.

What are opacity-based text color classes in Bootstrap?

Bootstrap provides opacity-based text color classes that allow you to control the transparency level of your text. These classes enable you to create visually appealing designs with varying opacity levels. Here are the opacity-based text color classes: .text-opacity-25: This class sets the text color with 25% opacity.

How to color a navigation bar in Bootstrap?

The text at the navigation bar is normally colored by using one of the two following css classes in the bootstrap.css file. Firstly, in case of using a default navigation bar (the gray one), the .navbar-default class will be used and the text is colored as dark gray. color: #777;

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